Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pushing them even more. . . .

The last four months have been spent pushing my kids harder than they've ever worked before. My teaching partner and I have taken them to levels that I don't think they've ever been. It has been an incredibly hard road, but we've hung in there and are seeing some amazing results. They're starting to get accepted to high schools (GOOD high schools), they're becoming more responsible, they're test scores are increasing, and they're working harder. Like I said, it's been a rough couple months.

The funny thing is, the next four months are the hard part. This is very difficult for Jessica and I to imagine, but it's true. Not only do we have to get them ready for high school (incredibly challenging high schools at that), but we are also going to be dealing with "senioritis." And so it begins.

This week we've added two new things to our rooms. I have started a "9th grade Reading" book shelf, accompanied with a list of standard 9th grade literature. I'm very excited to see what kinds of things they choose and if they are really going to be up for that challenge. This thrills me. I've never had the opportunity to share really incredible literature with my students, and I cannot wait to start showing them some of my favorites.

Jessica and I are both adding a chart that tells everyone what schools the kids have been accepted to. It's the size of a wall, and whenever they get accepted to a different high school they can add it under their name. We've been desperately trying the route of positive reinforcement over negative, and it seems ot be working. I think this will be something they can be proud of, not to mention the reality check that they will get each time they look at it - ONLY FOUR MORE MONTHS. I'm excited to see how the kids respond!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Finally leaving the house . . .

The last few weeks have been crazy busy (as usual), with the end of the quarter looming. This week I decided I was going to leave the house, as opposed to my normal routine of waking up at 5AM, going to work for 13 hours, coming home, eating, grading papers and passing out. It's time to get out and about!

On Wednesday I met the knitters up at Brehon Pub on Wells Street just outside of downtown. It's a small little pub with minimal tv's which are turned all the way down. We usually take the back room and the waitress knows us by name. Special for the day: Fat Tire $4 and Pulled Pork Sandwich $5.50. A perfect dinner for the week I've had this week! I've been working on my first fair-isle scarf for Holly's birthday (which was yesterday). The progress has been slow, but it's coming along. I think this outing alone took me through the rest of the week successfully.

This weekend is going to be just what I needed. I slept for about 10 hours last night (a little sleep deprived, I think) and did not even move until about 6:00 this morning. This morning I'm going to meet Cate at "Orange with a Peel," do some shopping at Ann Taylor Loft, and then head home for maybe a nap and some lounging. Tonight, I'm meeting Joy up at Bloke's and Birds for a few drinks and time with friends. It's been so long since I've been out and about in the city, that I'm really looking forward to it.