Thursday, April 2, 2009

One is silver and the other is gold . . .

Do you remember that little song that you learned when you were five? "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold." That song keeps going over and over in my head tonight. I had a conversation with a very dear friend tonight, and it just reminded me of how very much I miss my friends. There is something to be said about those who know you the best. I love my new friends, but there is a sense of comfort to be found with those at home, which I have yet to reach in my new home.

I really dont' know what it was about today. Maybe the stress from school, maybe watching Sex and the City, maybe the stress at home . . . maybe just everything combined. I miss having conversations about things other than our kids, or the stupid people at work, or the crazy shit that happened that day. I want to have normal conversations about life, love, happiness, problems, frustrations, hopes and dreams, without having to explain myself because we just don't know each other well enough yet.

Long story short: I desperately miss my friends.

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