Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today was the first day. The first day of school in a new city, a new school, with new colleagues and new kids. Surprisingly, it went very well. I must admit, however, I have not been that harried before a first day of school since my first day of teaching. Ever. No copies made until first hour prep, due to the lack of a copy machine this past week and over the weekend. Coffee spilled all over my brand new pants suit, and leaving quite a bit of stuff in my car due to lack of time to carry it to my room before having to be at duty THIRTY minutes before anticipated. Yet despite all of the setbacks, I would say things were successful and I am feeling very much encouraged. Completely and utterly exhausted, but encouraged.

I only have two classes, to whom I am teaching both reading and writing to. This being my fifth year, I am really trying to steer my instruction in a different direction. I am trying to delve deeper into both areas than I have in the past. Of course this means more work for me, but to be honest, I'm feeling inspired enough lately, that I don't mind this extra work. I want to be the best version of myself over the next 10 months. I don't want to look back at myself in June and not even recognize the person I have become.

For the first time in a long time, I feel that I can fully support the vision of this network and understand the goals they have set up in order to be successful. I feel as if they are doing things the RIGHT way. It's nice to work in a place that makes me feel this way. Who knows what next month will hold, but right now I am proud to be a part of this school and network.

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