Who knew that one could actually report sibling abuse (between a 14 and a 13 year old) to Child Protective Services?
Who knew that a mom could marry her child's grandfather?
Who knew that a couple in their 70's could take on four children, when no one else wants them, who are of absolutely no blood-relation, and raise them as their own?
Who knew that a woman, after receiving a diagnosis of severe osteoperosis and having a hip replacement, could offer the last miniscule of money that she had in the world, to help her adopted chlid go to Washington DC, just so she has a chance to do something with her life?
Who knew that a child could be born into this world, and within three days of her life beginning, have to receive open brain surgery to remove a cyst?
Who knew that these children could change the lives of so many?
Days like today leave me confused, frustrated and angry . . .yet hope. There is always that tiniest glimmer of hope that there IS good in the world and it IS worth searching for.
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