Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Reading List

I have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion that the majority of my reading must be completed in the month that I go home during the summer. The regular year is filled with lesson planning, committees, grad school and after-school tutoring. Who has time to read for pleasure? Not this over-committed teacher. With this conlusion in mind, these are the books I have decided on for my summer expansion (by the way, I am ALWAYS open to more suggestions!).

The Other Boelyn Girl
God's Middle Finger
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Dharma Bums
Clockwork Orange
Animal Farm
Watership Down
The Green Mile
Mother Tongue
My Sister's Keeper
The Lighthouse
Jane Eyre (again . . . if time!)

I feel that this is a relatively well-put-together mix of "popcorn" literature and classics. I have been recommended a few novels which I consider "chick" lit, and I must admit it is not my favorite type of genre. However, I am willing to put aside my biases and give them a try. I have already started on Dharma Bums and The Other Boelyn Girl, and I'm excited to spend some time this summer lying on Grand Traverse Bay beach with nothing to do but read. Does life really get any better than that??

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