Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Least favorite things . . .

One of my least favorite things about moving, especially to a big city, is finding new "things."  New mechanics.  New doctors.  New dentists. New vets.  New everything.  I am still in that phase where everything is being replaced, and as I have been so busy over the school year, it is all piling up this summer.  Something is wrong with my left tire, and I have to find a mechanic to fix it.  First of all, I HATE HATE HATE dealing with car stuff.  Secondly, EVERYTHING is so expensive in the city, and thirdly I don't trust the majority of mechanics.  I have to do this as soon as possible, as I really would prefer my tire not fall off while driving down Lake Shore Drive.

On a positive note, most of my "news" have been taken care of in the past two weeks, and this is probably one of the last ones.  Here's hoping things go smoothly.

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