Friday, July 20, 2012

Way too emotional

Today has been one of those days where I am far too emotional and have absolutely no idea why.  I blew up at Eric this afternoon even before he got home from work, and then when he was on his way to Chris' house-warming party I lost it again.  I'm not quite sure what's going on . . . I'm not PMSing, summer has been great, I've enjoyed my time off, but for some reason I was an emotional wreck today.

I think that I'm just unhappy with myself, feeling very self-conscious and really not enjoying the fact that I'm getting older.  When it comes to getting old, it's not something to look forward to when you're a Simmons.  I have to start working on my health more rigorously and come up with a plan so as not to end up like my mom and grandmother.  I see it coming every day and it scares the crap out of me.  Eric was going to a house-warming party with one of his band members who has a gorgeous condo in the west loop and works for an advertising company, as well as being 24 years old.  I was so insecure, I didn't even want to go.  What the hell is wrong with me?  I am not this person.  I am usually so level-headed and rational.  Must be a full moon or something . . . .

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